
pure & simple

Friday, October 14, 2011

week 28 - a picture of your night

Better late than never - no?
"Really? We got all this crap for free?"

I think this picture pretty much sums what my first two weeks were like after Ben left for Colorado. Yup, pretty dismal. It was my 2 week ode to the Friends episode where Joey and Chandler get burglarized because Joey ever so smartly locks himself in his 'fine italian crafted' entertainment center.

But don't be feeling sorry for me, I worked. A lot. On second thought. Yes, feel sorry for me:)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

an ending of a new beginning...

Honestly, the purpose of this blog is to remind me to document our life. If I can't keep a journal maybe this will suffice:) And the reason why I began the 30 day challenge was to get me back in the habit of blogging away time. This past few weeks I think I could have written some funny (possibly regretted) blogs so now that there is more certainty in my life, I feel as though I can write with a more omnipotent hand.

It all started back in July - Ben had casually mentioned how he wasn't looking forward to the rest of his college experience studying engineering. Let's face it - it's a tough program and the economy wasn't boosting his confidence by throwing internships his way.We didn't really resolve the issue because he didn't really know what else he would want to do with the rest of his life. So a few days later I saw this blurb on MSN that showed the top ten jobs that paid bookoo (sp?) bucks that required minimal (in reference) training. One was an air traffic controller. I had never thought about this before but the minute I read the title - I knew Ben would be great at it. He handles stress like no one I've ever met and he's quick as a cat, mentally and physically - good for directing those planes ya know:) . So I sent him a text asking him about it.

Now he's in Colorado and I'm stuck in Logan until January. BUT here is when the fun begins - Ben and I will each be responding to the 30 day challenge answers on our own. Ever seen that episode of 'King of Queens' where Carrie talks about 'tentpoles'? Even though Ben is not estatic about building 'tentpoles' he has decided to indulge me in this request. Woohoo!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

week 28 ... kinda...

Day 03 - a picture of the cast from your favorite show (wicked)

I feel like I just need to repost my former post about Wicked in Chicago. But of course I won’t. …For some reason I feel compelled to explain why Les Mis did not make this week’s challenge. This is one of the perks of breaking this up into weeks rather than days – I get plenty of time to think about my responses. Lucky YOU!
Wicked Witch of the West and Mad Hatter - A delightful couple!
As incredible as the show was, it had no real chance to compare with what I had already envisioned in my head. I had been listening to the soundtrack my entire, ENTIRE life (it wasn’t just a phase), could sing along with every song and had read the book – unabridged – twice. Basically, I knew the story, there were no surprises. I’m not saying Les Miserables wasn’t INCREDIBLE because it was! I bawled like a baby throughout the whole thing. I fell in love with Eponine’s story all over again, was entranced by Valjean’s voice once more and was pleased that the Thenardiers’ still provided some comedic relief. Otherwise I would have been a COMPLETE basket case, not just a partial one. I feel horrible saying this but I’ve thought about it and it’s completely true, I enjoyed myself ever-so-slightly more during my first show with Wicked than I did with Les Miserables. But that does NOT mean that Les Mis is any less of an incredible experience.

With Wicked, it was the same story minus the reading part. I had, again, memorized the entire soundtrack years before I actually saw it but I hadn’t read the book so I only pieced together portions of the story from the music and mingled in my own imagination as well. And to my shock, their story line was better. Hmm, maybe that why I’m not a writer. Anyway, I highly recommend BOTH of these shows to anyone and everyone. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

week 29 - a change of heart

Week 2 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

I don't like this label. It has me compartmentalizing all my relationships into times and "levels of closeness". But closeness is too complex a word. Physically - it's my co-workers, I'm always at work. Emotionally? Mentally? Who knows!

So I'm taking the easy route, Martha has been my sister for 23 years (plus or minus an eternity), and we have been across every level of closeness over that time. I remember trying to throw a chair at her in our youth because I was just that furious! Of course I don't remember what she was doing at the time but I remember it was in the boys room. I can still smell the stink of what we all blamed on the iguanas but was more than likely the stench of just that, boys. Yick!

On the other end of the spectrum, I remember jogging to her house at 3 in the morning because I could rely on that closeness during a particularly rough patch in my life (and freaking out her neighbor since I had no way to get inside so I was 'prowling' around her house... but that's a story for another time). She's going to make a great Therapist. She knows when to be serious, she knows when you need to laugh, and she'll make it happen. She's understanding, patient and gives great advice. She has this tough girl facade that runs deep - yes, I know that's a contradiction. But it's true, she's tough as nails on the outside and has a genuine strength on the inside. Hmmm... Maybe this topic isn't so bad....

The picture part of this was pretty tough. I have a lot of pictures of us together and it's hard to just pick one. It actually made me want to dig through my kid pictures to find one of just us together - to prove that we liked each other when we little too - but I kept being drawn back to this one. And it's the grossest one I have! It was while we were working at IFA together. Some lovely person clogged up the toilet and there was nastiness all over the floor, leaking out into the hall. I was a pee-on (pun not intended) so it was expected that the clean-up should have fallen on me but Martha was a more valued and upper ranked employee. She didn't have to help. But she did.

I think you see where I'm going with this, She didn't have to help clean up raw sewage but she did to help her sister. Blah blah, more emotional drivel. But seriously, She jumped in (not literally, that'd be gross) without hesitation and helped. Now I don't think she thought of it this way at all - her helping her little sister - I know she thought it'd be fun to get all hazmated up, we had a blast! But I think that's what I love about her the most, she can make the most out of any situation. Even when there's poo on the floor:)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

the countdown - week 30

Updated Note: This blog is titled “the Bare Beat” yet as I’ve been perusing the past posts I’ve noticed something, it’s mostly about me. Sure, Ben pops in here and there but in all honesty, until we start having kids I think this blog will be hovering around that somewhat conceited note. Sorry! But I will make an effort to include Ben in on this 30 week challenge. Maybe we’ll have a column “She” and a column “He”…..
 I haven’t been great about blogging but I recently saw this on a friend’s blog and wanted to try it. But not in 30 days – I'm not that dedicated, I’m shooting more for 30 weeks. That way, blogging should become a habit and I can include recent goings-on in our life. At least that’s the plan. Let’s see how it turns out.
Week 01 - A picture of yourself with ten little known facts
Opening night! Ah-MAZ-ing! -the show, not the lady's rear.

1. I worked at a pony ride and it is still, to this day, the BEST job I have ever had.

2. Contrary to what I’d always thought, I don’t like my sandwiches cut in any way. I fought with myself for a long time on this one. I felt like I needed to have a way to cut them; diagonal, horizontal, squares, triangles? I found myself hiding this from Ben. He would always cut my sandwich for me in what he thought was a cute show of affection (little did he know, it was tearing me apart inside). Instead of coming clean, I began taking a really long time to put my sandwich together so he would already be eating his and not notice that mine was uncut. But as of a few days ago I finally accepted myself and came clean, the center of the sandwich is the best part. don’t disrupt it.

3. I played soccer while growing up. I was primarily the goalie and I won’t lie, I felt like I was pretty darn good at it. In fact, our rival team gave me a nickname, “the wall”. Yes, I was flattered but because of my oversensitivity and the fact that I was (and still am) a porky kid:), I was always a little paranoid about it. 

4. I pretend to love and want a motorcycle. In reality, I’m terrified I would fall off of it and die. Considering my background with bicycles, I think those feelings are valid.

5. I have never broken a bone; which is pretty cool considering I hate milk (no calcium) and I’m clumsy.

6. I have an issue with #5. Once when I used this fact in a game of “Never have I ever”, I was told I must lead a boring life. I’ve rolled down mountains, been bucked off horses (and ponies), dove into pools of kicking feet (with cleats on), and lived a life with no shoes traipsing around the neighborhood as a child just as the other kids did. No I don’t lead a boring life. I lead a successful life. When I did stupid things as a kid, I didn’t get caught because I broke something – I got away with it. Is that the definition of success??? Hmmm. Thought provoking comment I just made there:)

7. As a kid I wore leg braces. I was pigeon-toed and had to wear these leg straightening metal brackets every night. Martha was the lucky one who shared a bed with me. I’m told she still has scars from my “jimmy legs”. 

8. My picture and one of my programs was in the most recent edition of the USU magazine. It was exciting:D

9. I am taking classes again, Management and Accounting. I want to work for Target as an HR rep. Hopefully my boss never reads this… Although I’m sure she’s gotten my obvious hints that I don’t particularly enjoy the behind the scenes aspect of fundraising.

10. I love traveling! Not by car, but by every other mode of transportation. My ultimate vacation destination would be to go on an African Safari. Where I could hold and play with all sorts of baby animals; elephants, tigers, lions, kangaroos, sea lions, panda bears, zebras, EVERY kind of baby animal!

There you have it. My goal was that, no matter who read this – even Ben, that they would learn something new about me. Did I succeed?