
pure & simple

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Halloween at the Zoo!

Our first Halloween in OKC, not surrounded by family, was actually a success! We live in a bit of a dodgy part of town, in some shady apartments. So I knew I didn’t necessarily want to trick-or-treat in that area. We love the zoo and they have an event called “Haunt the Zoo” during the whole week of Halloween. So we decided to spend our Halloween night there, rather than traditional trick-or-treating.
Ben had to work a double shift so he was MIA for this holiday.

We carved a pumpkin a few days prior and got our pictures taken so that Ben would feel a part of the festivities. And then Marley and I got to spend a few hours walking the zoo, collecting candy, and even riding the carousel.
It was a lot of fun. I absolutely LOVE our one-on-one time.

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